Quotations are the fundamental distillation of a writer’s life and thinking as recorded in words and phrases for posterity. Through them the reader is afforded the unique opportunity to share in the thoughts, the life and the experiences of the writer. In a special way, they offer the reader a window into the mind of the author and hopefully an inducement to read further and learn more about the author and the story he relates.

On a wider scale, they are, as William Feather wrote, “the wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages preserved into perpetuity“, and as such they are available for the enrichment and enhancement of humanity, regardless of age, sex, race, educational or economic status. They are indeed, as the Talmud states, “food for the famished”.

The collection of quotations presented in this blog, have been chosen by me because of their special impact upon me. They have been published so that you too, may experience the joy I have had over the years reading them and getting to know the authors.

I trust that you will come to know the feeling of deep satisfaction possible from reading them, searching out the author and meditating upon their meaning and their impact on your life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


For fate has wove the thread of life with pain,
And twins even from the birth are Misery and Man! …… Homer (Odyssey)

Misery makes sport to mock itself. …..William Shakespeare

I have always held firmly to the thought that each one of us
can do a little to bring some portion of Misery to an end. …..Albert Schweitzer

If Misery loves company, misery has company enough …..Henry David Thoreau

Extreme hopes are born from extreme Misery. …..Bertrand Russell

In separateness lies the world’s great Misery;
In compassion lies the world’s true strength. …..Buddha

Maybe men are separated from each other
only by the degree of their Misery. …… Francis Picabia

The only comfort of the Miserable;
Is to have partners in their woes. …….Miguel de Cervantes

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


From small Beginnings often come great things. ……. Proverb

All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy,
and great things, in that which is small. …….Lao-Tzu
Almost everything comes from nothing. ……. Henry F. Amiel

The Beginnings of all things are small. …….. Cicero

A little spark can kindle a great fire. ……Syrian Proverb

“I can't do it" never accomplished anything;
"I will try" has performed miracles. ……George P. Burnham

The man who removes a mountain,
Begins by carrying away small stones. …….Chinese proverb

Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible. …….St. Francis of Assisi

Small opportunities are often the Beginning of great enterprises. …..Demosthenes

Begin - to begin is half the work, let half still remain;
again begin this, and thou wilt have finished ……. Marcus Aurelius(Ausonius)

Winning starts with Beginning. ……Robert Schuller

More powerful than the will to win is the courage to Begin. …..Author Unknown

The Beginning is the most important part of the work. ……Plato

He has half the deed done who has made a Beginning. …….Horace

In every phenomenon the Beginning
remains always the most notable moment. …….Thomas Carlyle

Fear not that thy life shall come to an end;
but rather fear that it shall never have a Beginning. ……. John Henry Cardinal

Whatever you do, or dream you can, Begin it.
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. …….. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ……. Carl Bard

When there is a start to be made,
Don't step over, Start where you are. ……Edgar Cayce

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. ……Winston Churchill

The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult. ……Marquise du Deffand

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
That will be the beginning. …… Louis L'Amour

The only joy in the world is to Begin. …… Cesare Pavese

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end,
may also be only the Beginning. …….Ivy Baker Priest

You don't have to be great to Begin;
but you have to Begin to be great. ……Joe Sabah

Everyone who got where he is,
had to Begin where he was. ……Robert Louis Stevenson

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life,
which are the real ones after all . ……Laura Ingalls Wilder

The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings …….Dave Weinbaum

Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness. …….Publilius Syrus

So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small,
for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard-seed
germinates and roots itself. ……Florence Nightingale

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
-That will be the beginning. ……Louis L'Amour

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which,
more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome. …… William James

The greatest masterpieces were once only pigments on a palette. ……Henry S. Hoskins

Friday, August 22, 2008


Where there is charity and wisdom,
there is neither fear nor ignorance. …….St. Francis of Assisi

The greatness of a Society can be judged
by the way it Cares for it’s weakest members. ……..Mohandas Gandhi

I feel the capacity to Care is the thing
which gives life, its deepest significance. …Pablo Casals

The Care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction;
Is the first and only legitimate object of good government. ……Thomas Jefferson

Caring for others is the basis of worldly success. …..Sakyong Mipham

No one Cares how much you know;
Until they know how much you Care. ……Author nunknown

Caring is a reflex. Someone slips, your arm goes out.
A car is in the ditch, you join the others and push;
...You live, you help. ……Baba Ram Dass

The simple act of Caring is heroic. …….. Edward Albert

From caring comes courage. ……… Lao Tzu

We have lost the art of Sharing and Caring. …….Hun Sen

Never believe that a few Caring people can't change the world.
For indeed, that's all who ever have. ……..Margaret Mead

Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have.
Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy. ………John Hoeven
Without a sense of Caring,
there can be no sense of community. ……..Anthony J. D'Angelo

There is in the act of preparing, the moment you start Caring. ……Winston Churchill

Too often we underestimate the power of the smallest act of Caring;
Which has the potential of turning a life around. …….Leo Buscaglia


Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have learnt that how we face challenges,
plays a big role in the Outcome of them. …..Sasha Azevedo

If you accept the expectations of others,
Then you can never change the Outcome. ….Michael Jordan

Much outcry leads to little Outcome. ….Aesop

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which,
more than anything else, will determine the successful Outcome. ….William James

You can’t bank on the Outcome. ……Daniel Berrigan

We are responsible for the effort, not the Outcome. ….Author Unknown

Equality of opportunity is freedom;
But equality of Outcome is repression. …… Dick Feagler


Whatever you say, say it with Conviction. ……..Mark Twain

Men never do evil so thoroughly and cheerfully
as when they do it for Religious Conviction. …….Blaise Pascal,

Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. …….Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than
when they are Convinced beyond doubt that they are right. ……….Laurens van de Post

A “No” uttered with deepest Conviction is better and greater than;
A “Yes” uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. …….Mohandas Gandhi

It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief.
And once that belief becomes a deep Conviction, things begins to happen. …….Muhammad Ali

Conviction is worthless unless it is converted to conduct. ……Thomas Carlyle

A man’s Conviction is stronger than a flame, a bullet or a rock.
…..Robert Edwin Lee and Jerome Lawrence
(authors: “The night Thoreau spent in jail”)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


All hard work brings a profit;
but mere talk leads only to Poverty …..Proverbs 14:23.

Having been Poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is …….Benjamin Franklin

The most terrible Poverty is Loneliness,
and the feeling of being unloved. …..Mother Teresa

Poverty sits by the cradle of all great men;
And rocks them all to manhood. ……Heinrich Heine

Poverty is the mother of crime. ……Marcus Aurelius

Poverty is the open mouthed relentless hell,
which yawns beneath civilized society;
And it is hell enough. ……Henry George

I thank fate for having made me born Poor;
Poverty taught me the true value of the gifts useful to life. ……Anatole France

A Poor man is not he who is without a cent;
But he is without a dream. …..Harry Kemp

He who oppresses the Poor to increase wealth;
And he who gives gifts to the rich;
-Both will come to Poverty. Proverbs 22:16

In a well governed country, Poverty is something to be ashamed of;
In a badly governed country, Wealth is something to be ashamed of. ……Confucius

Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue;
It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. ……Benjamin Franklin

Anyone who has struggled with Poverty;
Knows how extremely expensive it is to be Poor. ……James A. Baldwin

Poverty is the worst kind of violence to man. Mohandas Gandhi

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity.
It is an act of justice. ……Nelson Mandela

Poverty devastates families, communities and nations.
It causes instability and political unrest and fuels conflict. ….Kofi Annan

It is not the man who has too little;
But the man who craves more, who is Poor. ……Seneca

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Kindness in words creates confidence;
Kindness in thinking creates profundity;
Kindness in giving create love. ……Lao Tzu

Kindness is the golden key that unlocks the hearts of others. ….George MacDonald

You cannot do a Kindness too soon;
For you never know how soon it will be too late. …..Ralph Waldo Emerson

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. …..Chinese Proverb

Always be a little Kinder than necessary. ……James A. Barrie

Constant Kindness can accomplish much.
As the sun makes ice melts;
-Kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate. ……Albert Schweitzer

There is no such thing as a small act of Kindness;
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. …….Scott Adams

No act of Kindness is ever wasted. ……Aesop (from “The lion and the Mouse”)

Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless. …..Mother Teresa

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ….Mark Twain

Wherever there is a human being,
there is an opportunity for a Kindness. ……Seneca

A Kind word is like a Spring day. ……Russian Proverb

When I was young, I admired clever people.
Now that I am old, I admire Kind people. ……Abraham Joshua Heschel

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. ……Author Unknown

A single act of Kindness throws out roots in all directions,
and the roots spring up and make new trees. …..Amelia Erhart

My religion is very simple;
My religion is Kindness. …… Dalai Lama

One Kind word can warm three winter months. ……Japanese Proverb

Kindness is the oil that smoothes the friction of life. …….Author Unknown

The ideas that have lighted my way have been;
Kindness, Beauty and Truth. ….. Albert Einstein

The greatest work that Kindness does to others
is that it makes them Kind themselves. …..Amelia Earhart

I will be Kind to the poor, for they are alone.
Kind to the rich, for they are afraid.
And Kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me. …..Max Lucado

Kindness in words creates confidence,
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness,
Kindness in feeling creates love. …..Lao Tzu

Kindness can become its own motive.
We are made Kind by being Kind. ……Eric Hoffer.