Quotations are the fundamental distillation of a writer’s life and thinking as recorded in words and phrases for posterity. Through them the reader is afforded the unique opportunity to share in the thoughts, the life and the experiences of the writer. In a special way, they offer the reader a window into the mind of the author and hopefully an inducement to read further and learn more about the author and the story he relates.

On a wider scale, they are, as William Feather wrote, “the wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages preserved into perpetuity“, and as such they are available for the enrichment and enhancement of humanity, regardless of age, sex, race, educational or economic status. They are indeed, as the Talmud states, “food for the famished”.

The collection of quotations presented in this blog, have been chosen by me because of their special impact upon me. They have been published so that you too, may experience the joy I have had over the years reading them and getting to know the authors.

I trust that you will come to know the feeling of deep satisfaction possible from reading them, searching out the author and meditating upon their meaning and their impact on your life.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It is harder to be poor without murmuring;
Than to be rich without Arrogance. …….Confucius

Arrogance is the obstruction of wisdom. ….Bion of Smyrna

Arrogance invites ruin; Humility receives benefits. …..Author Unknown

When power leads man to Arrogance,
Poetry reminds him of his limitations. ……John F. Kennedy

The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth. …..Edmund Burke

The truest character of ignorance is Arrogance. …..Samuel Butler

Arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bike of life,
For weak people who can not keep their balance without them. ….Laura Teresa Marquez

Nothing in the world is more Arrogant;
Than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power. …..Baron Wessenberg.

The demand to be loved is the greatest of all Arrogant presumptions. …..Friedrich Nnietzche

Timing and Arrogance are decisive factors in the successful use of talent. ……Marya Mannes

The insufferable Arrogance of human beings is to think
that Nature was made solely for their benefit. ……Cyrano de Bergerac

When men are most sure and arrogant, they are commonly the most mistaken. …..David Hume

An extraordinary amount of Arrogance is present in any claim
of having been the first in inventing something. ……..Benoit Mandelbrot

It is not a sign of Arrogance for the king to rule.
That is what he is there for. …….. William F. Buckley, Jr

All too often Arrogance accompanies strength,
and we must never assume that justice is on the side of the strong ……Theodore Bikel

A person unlearns Arrogance when he knows he is always among worthy human beings
………. Friedrich Neitzsche

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