Quotations are the fundamental distillation of a writer’s life and thinking as recorded in words and phrases for posterity. Through them the reader is afforded the unique opportunity to share in the thoughts, the life and the experiences of the writer. In a special way, they offer the reader a window into the mind of the author and hopefully an inducement to read further and learn more about the author and the story he relates.

On a wider scale, they are, as William Feather wrote, “the wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages preserved into perpetuity“, and as such they are available for the enrichment and enhancement of humanity, regardless of age, sex, race, educational or economic status. They are indeed, as the Talmud states, “food for the famished”.

The collection of quotations presented in this blog, have been chosen by me because of their special impact upon me. They have been published so that you too, may experience the joy I have had over the years reading them and getting to know the authors.

I trust that you will come to know the feeling of deep satisfaction possible from reading them, searching out the author and meditating upon their meaning and their impact on your life.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Instead, you yourselves Cheat and do wrong,
and you do this to your brothers. ……1 Corinthians 6:6

I would prefer even to fail with honor, than win by Cheating. ……..Sophocles

The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat oneself. …….Philip James Bailey

If you're not learning while you're earning,
you're Cheating yourself of the better portion of your just compensation. ….Napoleon Hill

He that cheats another is a knave; but he that cheats himself is a fool. …..Karl G. Maeser

He will cheat without scruple, who can, without fear. …….Benjamin Franklin

Win if you can, lose if you must, but always Cheat. ……Jesse Ventura

‘tis my opinion every man Cheats in his own way;
And he is only honest, who is not discovered. Susannah Centilivre

In order to preserve your self-respect,
It is sometimes necessary to lie and Cheat. …….Robert Byrne

He who purposely cheats his friend, would cheat God. .......Johann Kasper

He who is Cheated twice by the same man,
Is an accomplice of the cheater. ……Author Unknown

Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well.
We Cheat ourselves and the world if we don't use that ability as best we can.
……George Allen

Someone who believes that the world is always Cheating him is right;
He is missing the wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something …...Eric Hoffer

It is better to suffer wrong, than do it;
And happier to be sometimes Cheated, than not to trust. …….Samuel Johnson

It is impossible for a man to be Cheated by anyone but himself. ……. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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