Quotations are the fundamental distillation of a writer’s life and thinking as recorded in words and phrases for posterity. Through them the reader is afforded the unique opportunity to share in the thoughts, the life and the experiences of the writer. In a special way, they offer the reader a window into the mind of the author and hopefully an inducement to read further and learn more about the author and the story he relates.

On a wider scale, they are, as William Feather wrote, “the wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages preserved into perpetuity“, and as such they are available for the enrichment and enhancement of humanity, regardless of age, sex, race, educational or economic status. They are indeed, as the Talmud states, “food for the famished”.

The collection of quotations presented in this blog, have been chosen by me because of their special impact upon me. They have been published so that you too, may experience the joy I have had over the years reading them and getting to know the authors.

I trust that you will come to know the feeling of deep satisfaction possible from reading them, searching out the author and meditating upon their meaning and their impact on your life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Consciousness is our only reprieve from Time. ……Mason Cooley

His was a great sin who first invented Consciousness.
Let us lose it for a few hours. ……Author Unknown

There is no life without Consciousness;
There is no Consciousness without life. ……..Annie Besant

The human Consciousness is really homogeneous.
There is no complete forgetting, even in death. …….D. H. Lawrence

The extent of your Consciousness is limited only
by your ability to love and to embrace with
your love, the space around you, and all it contains. ……Napoleon Bonaparte

No problem can be solved from the same level of Consciousness that created it. ………Albert Einstein
An unconscious Consciousness is no more
a contradiction in terms than an unseen case of seeing. ……..Franz Clemens Brentano

The distinguishing characteristics of mind are of a subjective sort;
We know them only from the contents of our own Consciousness. …….. Wilhelm Wundt

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